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Handle special tokens

Tokens that indicate the beginning of a sequence, an end of sequence, that delineate user and assistant turns in a conversation, etc. are model-specific. This means that one needs to write a new prompt each time they use a new model, only replacing these special tokens. This is error-prone and leads to duplicated work.

Beginning and end of sequences

prompts provides special variables in its templates that allows user to use special tokens in their prompts in a model-agnostic way:

import prompts

def a_simple_prompt(query: str):
    """{{ bos + query + eos }}"""

# <s>question</s>

# <bos>question<eos>


The registry is currently limited to a few models. Please open an issue if you want to use prompts with a model that is not currently in the registry.

Chat and Instruct models

prompts also provides special variables user, assistant and system that are related to chat workflows, so you can design prompts with a chat format in a model-agnostic way:

import prompts

def simple_prompt(favorite: str):
    """{{ bos + user.begin}} What is your favorite {{favorite + '? ' + user.end}}
    {{ assistant.begin }}

Chat templates are so idiosyncratic, however, that we recommend using the Chat class to format according to chat templates.