def to_regex(
resolver: Resolver, instance: dict, whitespace_pattern: Optional[str] = None
"""Translate a JSON Schema instance into a regex that validates the schema.
Many features of JSON schema are missing:
- Handle `additionalProperties` keyword
- Handle types defined as a list
- Handle constraints on numbers
- Handle special patterns: `date`, `uri`, etc.
This does not support recursive definitions.
An object that resolves references to other instances within a schema
The instance to translate
Pattern to use for JSON syntactic whitespace (doesn't impact string literals)
Example: allow only a single space or newline with `whitespace_pattern=r"[\n ]?"`
# set whitespace pattern
if whitespace_pattern is None:
whitespace_pattern = WHITESPACE
if instance == {}:
# JSON Schema Spec: Empty object means unconstrained, any json type is legal
types = [
{"type": "boolean"},
{"type": "null"},
{"type": "number"},
{"type": "integer"},
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "array"},
{"type": "object"},
regexes = [to_regex(resolver, t, whitespace_pattern) for t in types]
regexes = [rf"({r})" for r in regexes]
return rf"{'|'.join(regexes)}"
elif "properties" in instance:
regex = ""
regex += r"\{"
properties = instance["properties"]
required_properties = instance.get("required", [])
is_required = [item in required_properties for item in properties]
# If at least one property is required, we include the one in the lastest position
# without any comma.
# For each property before it (optional or required), we add with a comma after the property.
# For each property after it (optional), we add with a comma before the property.
if any(is_required):
last_required_pos = max([i for i, value in enumerate(is_required) if value])
for i, (name, value) in enumerate(properties.items()):
subregex = f'{whitespace_pattern}"{re.escape(name)}"{whitespace_pattern}:{whitespace_pattern}'
subregex += to_regex(resolver, value, whitespace_pattern)
if i < last_required_pos:
subregex = f"{subregex}{whitespace_pattern},"
elif i > last_required_pos:
subregex = f"{whitespace_pattern},{subregex}"
regex += subregex if is_required[i] else f"({subregex})?"
# If no property is required, we have to create a possible pattern for each property in which
# it's the last one necessarilly present. Then, we add the others as optional before and after
# following the same strategy as described above.
# The whole block is made optional to allow the case in which no property is returned.
property_subregexes = []
for i, (name, value) in enumerate(properties.items()):
subregex = f'{whitespace_pattern}"{name}"{whitespace_pattern}:{whitespace_pattern}'
subregex += to_regex(resolver, value, whitespace_pattern)
possible_patterns = []
for i in range(len(property_subregexes)):
pattern = ""
for subregex in property_subregexes[:i]:
pattern += f"({subregex}{whitespace_pattern},)?"
pattern += property_subregexes[i]
for subregex in property_subregexes[i + 1 :]:
pattern += f"({whitespace_pattern},{subregex})?"
regex += f"({'|'.join(possible_patterns)})?"
regex += f"{whitespace_pattern}" + r"\}"
return regex
# To validate against allOf, the given data must be valid against all of the
# given subschemas.
elif "allOf" in instance:
subregexes = [
to_regex(resolver, t, whitespace_pattern) for t in instance["allOf"]
subregexes_str = [f"{subregex}" for subregex in subregexes]
return rf"({''.join(subregexes_str)})"
# To validate against `anyOf`, the given data must be valid against
# any (one or more) of the given subschemas.
elif "anyOf" in instance:
subregexes = [
to_regex(resolver, t, whitespace_pattern) for t in instance["anyOf"]
return rf"({'|'.join(subregexes)})"
# To validate against oneOf, the given data must be valid against exactly
# one of the given subschemas.
elif "oneOf" in instance:
subregexes = [
to_regex(resolver, t, whitespace_pattern) for t in instance["oneOf"]
xor_patterns = [f"(?:{subregex})" for subregex in subregexes]
return rf"({'|'.join(xor_patterns)})"
# Create pattern for Tuples, per JSON Schema spec, `prefixItems` determines types at each idx
elif "prefixItems" in instance:
element_patterns = [
to_regex(resolver, t, whitespace_pattern) for t in instance["prefixItems"]
comma_split_pattern = rf"{whitespace_pattern},{whitespace_pattern}"
tuple_inner = comma_split_pattern.join(element_patterns)
return rf"\[{whitespace_pattern}{tuple_inner}{whitespace_pattern}\]"
# The enum keyword is used to restrict a value to a fixed set of values. It
# must be an array with at least one element, where each element is unique.
elif "enum" in instance:
choices = []
for choice in instance["enum"]:
if type(choice) in [int, float, bool, type(None), str]:
raise TypeError(f"Unsupported data type in enum: {type(choice)}")
return f"({'|'.join(choices)})"
elif "const" in instance:
const = instance["const"]
if type(const) in [int, float, bool, type(None), str]:
const = re.escape(json.dumps(const))
raise TypeError(f"Unsupported data type in const: {type(const)}")
return const
elif "$ref" in instance:
path = f"{instance['$ref']}"
instance = resolver.lookup(path).contents
return to_regex(resolver, instance, whitespace_pattern)
# The type keyword may either be a string or an array:
# - If it's a string, it is the name of one of the basic types.
# - If it is an array, it must be an array of strings, where each string is
# the name of one of the basic types, and each element is unique. In this
# case, the JSON snippet is valid if it matches any of the given types.
elif "type" in instance:
instance_type = instance["type"]
if instance_type == "string":
if "maxLength" in instance or "minLength" in instance:
max_items = instance.get("maxLength", "")
min_items = instance.get("minLength", "")
if int(max_items) < int(min_items):
raise ValueError(
"maxLength must be greater than or equal to minLength"
) # FIXME this raises an error but is caught right away by the except (meant for int("") I assume)
except ValueError:
return f'"{STRING_INNER}{{{min_items},{max_items}}}"'
elif "pattern" in instance:
pattern = instance["pattern"]
if pattern[0] == "^" and pattern[-1] == "$":
return rf'("{pattern[1:-1]}")'
return rf'("{pattern}")'
elif "format" in instance:
format = instance["format"]
if format == "date-time":
return format_to_regex["date-time"]
elif format == "uuid":
return format_to_regex["uuid"]
elif format == "date":
return format_to_regex["date"]
elif format == "time":
return format_to_regex["time"]
raise NotImplementedError(
f"Format {format} is not supported by Outlines"
return type_to_regex["string"]
elif instance_type == "number":
bounds = {
if bounds.intersection(set(instance.keys())):
min_digits_integer, max_digits_integer = validate_quantifiers(
min_digits_fraction, max_digits_fraction = validate_quantifiers(
instance.get("minDigitsFraction"), instance.get("maxDigitsFraction")
min_digits_exponent, max_digits_exponent = validate_quantifiers(
instance.get("minDigitsExponent"), instance.get("maxDigitsExponent")
integers_quantifier = (
if min_digits_integer or max_digits_integer
else "*"
fraction_quantifier = (
if min_digits_fraction or max_digits_fraction
else "+"
exponent_quantifier = (
if min_digits_exponent or max_digits_exponent
else "+"
return rf"((-)?(0|[1-9][0-9]{integers_quantifier}))(\.[0-9]{fraction_quantifier})?([eE][+-][0-9]{exponent_quantifier})?"
return type_to_regex["number"]
elif instance_type == "integer":
if "minDigits" in instance or "maxDigits" in instance:
min_digits, max_digits = validate_quantifiers(
instance.get("minDigits"), instance.get("maxDigits"), start_offset=1
return rf"(-)?(0|[1-9][0-9]{{{min_digits},{max_digits}}})"
return type_to_regex["integer"]
elif instance_type == "array":
num_repeats = _get_num_items_pattern(
instance.get("minItems"), instance.get("maxItems"), whitespace_pattern
if num_repeats is None:
return rf"\[{whitespace_pattern}\]"
allow_empty = "?" if int(instance.get("minItems", 0)) == 0 else ""
if "items" in instance:
items_regex = to_regex(resolver, instance["items"], whitespace_pattern)
return rf"\[{whitespace_pattern}(({items_regex})(,{whitespace_pattern}({items_regex})){num_repeats}){allow_empty}{whitespace_pattern}\]"
# Here we need to make the choice to exclude generating list of objects
# if the specification of the object is not given, even though a JSON
# object that contains an object here would be valid under the specification.
legal_types = [
{"type": "boolean"},
{"type": "null"},
{"type": "number"},
{"type": "integer"},
{"type": "string"},
depth = instance.get("depth", 2)
if depth > 0:
legal_types.append({"type": "object", "depth": depth - 1})
legal_types.append({"type": "array", "depth": depth - 1})
regexes = [
to_regex(resolver, t, whitespace_pattern) for t in legal_types
return rf"\[{whitespace_pattern}({'|'.join(regexes)})(,{whitespace_pattern}({'|'.join(regexes)})){num_repeats}{allow_empty}{whitespace_pattern}\]"
elif instance_type == "object":
# pattern for json object with values defined by instance["additionalProperties"]
# enforces value type constraints recursively, "minProperties", and "maxProperties"
# doesn't enforce "required", "dependencies", "propertyNames" "any/all/on Of"
num_repeats = _get_num_items_pattern(
if num_repeats is None:
return rf"\{{{whitespace_pattern}\}}"
allow_empty = "?" if int(instance.get("minProperties", 0)) == 0 else ""
additional_properties = instance.get("additionalProperties")
if additional_properties is None or additional_properties is True:
# JSON Schema behavior: If the additionalProperties of an object is
# unset or True, it is unconstrained object.
# We handle this by setting additionalProperties to anyOf: {all types}
legal_types = [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "number"},
{"type": "boolean"},
{"type": "null"},
# We set the object depth to 2 to keep the expression finite, but the "depth"
# key is not a true component of the JSON Schema specification.
depth = instance.get("depth", 2)
if depth > 0:
legal_types.append({"type": "object", "depth": depth - 1})
legal_types.append({"type": "array", "depth": depth - 1})
additional_properties = {"anyOf": legal_types}
value_pattern = to_regex(
resolver, additional_properties, whitespace_pattern
key_value_pattern = (
key_value_successor_pattern = (
multiple_key_value_pattern = f"({key_value_pattern}({key_value_successor_pattern}){num_repeats}){allow_empty}"
return (
+ whitespace_pattern
+ multiple_key_value_pattern
+ whitespace_pattern
+ r"\}"
elif instance_type == "boolean":
return type_to_regex["boolean"]
elif instance_type == "null":
return type_to_regex["null"]
elif isinstance(instance_type, list):
# Here we need to make the choice to exclude generating an object
# if the specification of the object is not give, even though a JSON
# object that contains an object here would be valid under the specification.
regexes = [
to_regex(resolver, {"type": t}, whitespace_pattern)
for t in instance_type
if t != "object"
return rf"({'|'.join(regexes)})"
raise NotImplementedError(
f"""Could not translate the instance {instance} to a
regular expression. Make sure it is valid to the JSON Schema specification. If
it is, please open an issue on the Outlines repository"""