
Object Class: Euclid

Entry Type: Celestial Body

Special Containment Procedures


Physical Appearance: SCP-974 appears to be a natural, irregularly shaped asteroid measuring approximately 4.5 kilometers in its longest dimension. The surface of SCP-974 is composed of an unknown substance that exhibits a high degree of structural integrity, with energy readings that are comparable to a solidified plasma.

Anomalous Properties: The anomalous nature of SCP-974 manifests as a gravitational anomaly. SCP-974's gravity effectively extracts gravitons from its vicinity, creating a localized frame of reference that is independent of the larger gravitational field of the Solar System. This gravity 'hole' causes objects in close proximity to SCP-974 to behave unpredictably, as if affected by gravitational fluctuations. Additionally, SCP-974 exhibits advanced mobility, occasionally altering its position in a seemingly random pattern.

Origin: SCP-974 was first observed in 2013 when a team of astronomers detected a large, irregularly shaped object in an unusual orbital path. Further investigation revealed the anomalous properties described above.

Relevant History: The Foundation initially designated SCP-974 as a potential threat to Earth's orbital stability. As such, the object was classified as Euclid and placed under containment.


Addendum SCP-974.1: Addendum 974-a: Unusual Orbital Event

On 03/17/2017, SCP-974 experienced an abrupt change in trajectory that resulted in it passing within 250 kilometers of Earth's atmosphere. This event caused significant disruptions to global satellite communications and led to a temporary shift in Earth's rotational axis. Post-event analysis revealed no discernible impact on the object, and SCP-974 continued to exhibit its normal random mobility pattern.